
ASC O5 Membership

Any organization which is materially or directly affected by the work conducted within the committee may become a member of ASC O5. Membership must remain diverse and cannot be dominated by organizations within a single interest group (Producer, Consumer, or General Interest.)  Membership may be limited in order to maintain balance between interest groups, and is subject to approval of ASC O5.  Each member organization may appoint a voting representative and an alternate representative to serve on the committee.  Organizations interested in joining ASC O5 may submit an application for membership to the Secretariat.  Members are required to pay annual membership dues.

Download a flyer about ASC O5 membership that can be distributed and/or printed (PDF)

Membership Application

To apply for membership on Accredited Standards Committee O5, please complete the membership application below and submit to the ASC O5 Secretariat. Please note that approval is based on committee balance, so not all applications are approved.  If approved, the Secretariat will invoice your organization for calendar year dues.

Click here to download a Membership Application   (Adobe Acrobat Document - PDF)

Click here to download a Membership Application   (Microsoft Word Format)

Annual Membership Dues

Dues for each calendar year are $280.  Membership is not required for participation in committee activities, however, the Secretariat may assess administrative fees to defray costs associated with non-member participation.  For more information on dues and administrative fees, please contact us.

Financial Contributions

Committee activities are financed by Annual Membership Dues and Financial Contributions.  Organizations seeking to support the efforts of ASC O5 are encouraged to donate funds which help defray costs necessary to operate the committee.  For more information, please contact us.

Current Member Organizations and Their Representatives

Note - In the following list:   (C) = Consumer Member     (G) = General Interest Member     (P) = Producer Member
A.W. Williams Inspection Company (G)Edward D. Williams, Jr.
Edward Morrissette (alternate)
Alabama Power Company (C)Alan Blankenship
Alamco Wood Products, LLC (P)Brett Franks
Josh Schindeldecker (alternate)
Ameren (C)August Platt
American Electric Power (C)Joshua Johnson
American Transmission Company (C)Justin Kavanaugh
APA - The Engineered Wood Association (P)B.J. Yeh
Arxada (P)Rick Bleskey
Josh Roth (alternate)
Bell Lumber & Pole Company (P)Jim Fixsen
Chad Hering (alternate)
Bonneville Power Administration (C)Vlad Slivkov
Brooks Manufacturing Company (P)Jess Courtright
Shannon Terrell (alternate)
Bunya Telecom Consulting LLC (G)Trevor Bowmer
Ernie Gallo (alternate)
EDM International (G)Rob Nelson
Matt Sinclair (alternate)
Equity Technical Services LLC (P)Jeff Goodson
Entergy (C)Naketa Sterling
John Jones (alternate)
Exponent, Inc (G)William Trono
Morgan Griffith, Alternate
Hexion, Inc. (P)Mark Clark
Hughes Brothers, Inc. (P)Larry Vandergriend
Rob Kruse (alternate)
Intec Services, Inc. (G)Andy Kudick
Koppers, Inc (P)Joey Wheat
Jim Healey (alternate)
Laminated Wood Systems, Inc. (P)Brian Hitz
Keal Messersmith (alternate)
McIntyre Associates, LLC (G)Craig McIntyre
Minnesota Power (C)Beau Pocquette
Eric Clement (alternate)
Mississippi State University (G)Rubin Shmulsky
Dan Seale (alternate)
National Grid (C)Michael Abbott
National Rural Electric Cooperatives Association (C)Matt Wernersbach
Daphne Howard (alternate)
Nelson Research (G)Nelson Bingel III
North American Wood Pole Council (P)Martin Rollins
Kevin Ragon (alternate)
Oncor Electric Delivery (C)Julia Pineda
Gabe Cook (alternate)
Oregon State University (G)Gerald Presley
Jed Cappellazzi (alternate)
Osmose Utilities Services (G)Chad Newton
Robert Batchelor (alternate)
Outside Plant Consulting Services, Inc. (G)Larry Slavin
Power Line Systems (G)Otto Lynch
Brandon Grillon (alternate)
Public Service New Mexico (C)Norm Sedillo (Retired, position vacant for 2025)
Southern California Edison (C)Brian Flynn
Southern Pressure Treaters Association (P)Steve Bryant
Ricky Stanley (alternate)
State University of New York (G)Bill Smith
Bob Meyer (alternate)
Stella-Jones Corporation (P)Kyle Cassidy
T.R. Miller Mill Company (P)Jeff Locklin
TB Consulting, LLC (G)Todd Brown
Thomasson Company (P)Randy Deweese
Brent Gray (alternate)
Timber Products Inspection (G)Mike Dilbeck
Donnie Parker (alternate)
TLine Engineering, Inc. (G)Vahid Zakeri
University of Minnesota (G)Jerry Winandy
University of Queensland (G)Jeff Morrell
Viance, LLC (P)Jonathan Whitehead
Todd Schoffstoll (alternate)
Western Area Power Administration (C)Karen Rowe
Melissa Venegas (alternate)
Western Wood Preservers Institute (P)Butch Bernhardt
Timm Locke (alternate)
Wood Preservation Canada (P)Sylvain Couture
Natalie Tarini (alternate)
Wood Quality Control, Inc. (G)Will Cox
Patti Metro (alternate)